Asset Allocation

Keep your asset allocation up to date with little effort needed. Change your allocation to view it by type, class, risk or country. No more tedious Google Sheets updates to figure out what your current allocation is.

Knowing how your portfolio is currently allocated is key to having a well diversified portfolio. Spend more time planning for your next investment or re-balancing and less time doing data entry.

No credit card needed.

Asset Allocation Chart
Historical Asset Allocation

Allocation History

Go back through history and see how your asset allocation chart has changed with time.

You can also review past allocations and compare it to the performance of your account to determine what is the right allocation for you.

Sharable Asset Allocation Card

With a click of a button, Money Minx will create a beautiful asset allocation chart ready for sharing. You can download the asset allocation card or post is to Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest straight from Money Minx.

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Compare your portfolio to other investors with similar profiles and get helpful insights from others with real world experience.